Wat Pho Traditional Medical School, Bangkok
- Basic course certificate
Alternative Medical Practitioner, P. Hetzel, Freudenstadt
- Basic course certificate
- Therapy 1 Certificate
- Therapy 2 Certificate
- Sen Therapy Certificate, with officially recognized registration as a Sen-Therapist in Wat Pho, Bangkok and in Germany with P. Hetzel
The Old Medicine Hospital, Bangkok
- Intermediate course
Thai Massage School (TTM), Chiang Mai
- Foot-reflex-zone massage, Certificate for Beginners
- Foot-reflex-zone massage, Certificate for Advanced Students
Madame Lek Chaiya, Private School / Private Teacher, Chiang Mai
- Nerve Touch Certificate for Advanced Students
Thai-Massage School Namo, Chiang Mai
- Foot-reflex-zone massage
Training as Thai Traditional Yoga Massage Teacher, Under The Instruction of Pasqualino Tommasone, Ingersheim
- Sen-Teacher Certificate
Training as Health Practitioner
- Training as health practitioner for vitality and relaxation, Berufsverband für Gesundheitspraktikerinnen BfG in Hannover with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Alternative Medizin DGAM (German Association for Alternative Medicine)
Start of Business
- 2000 Opening of my own massage treatment center and school for Traditional Thai Yoga Massage in Constance, Germany at Lake Constance.
Regular seminars, workshops and training units in Europe, Australia, Thailand, India and Africa.
Europe: 12 years
Australia: 3 years
Thailand: 6 years
India: 1 year
Africa: 1/2 year