
Introductory Course

Course content: Various movement sequences are introduced with the aim of familiarizing the participant with TTYM.

Price: Group 160.- euros, individual 180.- euros  

Basic Course

Course content: Targeted streching-, lengthening- and pressure-point techniques are learned, as well as the ten Sen lines (energy lines). A full-body-massage unit of 1.5 to 2 hours is learned. Basic massage positions in supine, prone and seated.

Price per person, single: 1400.- euros
Price per person, group: 1200.- euros

The basic course is set up in such a way that participants are able to independently give TTYM with the therapeutic essentials by the end of it. It is recommended to participants to supplement this with the intermediate course. Here intensive techniques for relieving pain are learned, and TTYM knowledge and skill is deepened and completed.

Intermediate Course 1

Course content: In this course, we learn a special TTYM technique involving the muscoloskeletal system in which there is a targeted mobilization. Based on the client’s individual needs and symptoms we select specific acupressure points (marmas) to work on.

Price per person, single: 1400.- euros
Price per person, group: 1200.- euros

Intermediate Course 2

Course content: Intensified knowledge of acupressure point stimulation learned in Intermediate course 1. Emphasis: We will get to know and locate the marmas in the stomach, pelvic region and in the chest. The course takes organic dysfunctions into consideration. A very intensive way to remove blockades in the Sen (endergy lines).

Price per person, single: 1400.- euros
Price per person, group: 1200.- euros

Advances Course

Course content: Building on what was learned in the basic course, futher techniques for massage, acupressure and streching are learned to complement your daily work as a practioner. Selected illnesses and their treatment are covered.

Price per person, einzeln: 1400.- euros
Price per person, group: 1200.- euro

Original Thai Foot-Reflex-Zone Massage

Course-content: Intensive immersion into the gentle and empathetic foot-reflex-zone systen of TTYM. The integration of foot-relaxation techniques and the loosening of joints is learned. Discover and learn the body’s “map” on the feet. The foot-reflex-zones are located and massaged with a combination of finger techniques and the use of wooden stics. Focus is placed on specific systems, such as the central nervous system, the breathing system, and the digestive-, urogenital- and endocrine system.

How do I integrate a foot-reflex-zone massage into a TTYM-full-body-massage?

Price per person, single: 640.- euros
Price per person, group: 540.- euros

Every foot has 7.200 nerve endings that stand in a relation to the different organs and parts of the body. Foot-reflex-zone massage in a relatively simple yet highly effective way to achieve deep relaxation and maintain health. It strengthens the immune system, mobilizes self-healing processes and has a powerful and positive effect on the nervous system, circulation and overall sense of well being.

Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Coaching Program

To provide you with personal or professional support, I offer individual and traditional massage coaching. My aim is to help you become more secure and self-confident in your work as a masseur and/or to help you organize the business side of things.

To promote successfull and effective massage treatments or the opening of own businesses, I offer every student individual coaching according to the principles of Traditional Thai Yoga. This coaching is compact, comprehensive and designed to meet the individual needs of the student:

– Smooth and effective massage treatments
– Starting your own business: Location analysis
– Interior design of massage rooms
– Management (advertising, setting up customer files, making appointments, pricing)
– Client-oriented behavior
– Supervision

Price: 70 euros.