
General stabilization of the body’s defences through treatments of the whole nerve system.
Diseases from neck, nose and ear area

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Inflammation of the middle ear
  • Tinnitus
  • Sinusitis
  • Hay fever
  • Numbness
  • Coughs and sneezes

Ailments of the joints

  • Back
  • Neck, shoulder (stiff neck, shoulder pain)
  • Arm (golf, – tennis elbow)
  • Legs (circulatory disorder)
  • Knee, coxalgia

Ailments of gastrointestinal passage

  • Constipation, Diarrhoe
  • Stomach ache

Functional heart disorder

  • Rheumatic heart ailment
  • Cardiac arrhytmic

Eye ailments

  • Redness and swelling
  • Amblyopia


  • Migraine
  • Headache through a tense back
  • Tense headache

Ailments in the urogenital are

  • Bladder infection
  • Prostate ailment
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Barrenness
  • Menstruation-, menopause ailment

Ailments from stress

  • Depression
  • Nervousness
  • State of exhaustion
  • Insomnia

The balance of the Chakras (« Chakra » comes from Sanskrit and means wheel) plays a big role in the TTYM. Chakras are the centers of power. Their functioning deeply affects our body and emotions. In our western world, some of the forces fields are not activated and some are overstimulated. Thereby we get disbalanced. Thai Massage brings the balance back.

The Chakras are :

Root Chakra – Muladhara Chakra
Basic Center
recovers grounding, trust, feeling of security, assertiveness, individual fulfilment
Element : earth

Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana Chakra
Sex center
recovers happiness, enthusiasm, sensuality, eroticism, creativity, creativeness power, emotional energy
Element : water

Solar plexus Chakra – Manipura Chakra
recovers the center of power of the emotions, dreams, anxiety, free development of the personality, assertiveness
Element : fire

Heart Chakra – Anahata Chakra
recovers the development of the heart quality, social consciousness, floating love, liberality, openess, compassion
Element : fire, water, air and earth

Larynge Chakra – Vishuddha Chakra
recovers language, expression, growth, clearness, discrimination
Element : air

Forehead Chakra – Ajna Chakra
recovers central coordination of all consciousness processes, concentration, complete mental power, intuition, develops all the senses
Element : air

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara Chakra
recovers the gate of consciousness, contact to God
Element : air

People whishing to reinforce their health and prevents their symptoms from becoming chronical like to use thai massage regularly. It can also be profitable for people who suffer from a lot of stress from their work or their private life and want to renew their energy and drive. Thai Massage can also help other therapies or practices to be more efficient. I therefore recommend to combine thai massage with acupuncture, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, osteopathy, yoga, Qi GongI and Tai Chi. To get a strong long term effect, you should need 4 to 6 treatments with a one-week interval between each of them. If you look for a loyal and faithful permanently foutain of youth for body mind and soul I recommend you to offer yourself one to two Traditional Thai Massage each month.